Ken Ryan & Associates is an accredited consultancy with Brisbane City Council’s RiskSMART development assessment program. As one of the select town planning consultancies invited to participate in the RiskSMART pilot program, Ken Ryan & Associates has worked closely with Brisbane City Council (BCC) to refine the assessment, lodgement and approval for RiskSMART since its inception.

What is RiskSMART?
RiskSMART is a fast track application process for ‘low risk’ development applications. The applications must be prepared, lodged, and certified by a Council accredited RiskSMART consultant such as Ken Ryan & Associates. Subject to certain criteria, the following development proposals may be eligible for ‘fast track’ assessment under RiskSMART.

Why use RiskSMART?
Significantly reduced assessment timeframe – BCC targets approvals within 10 business days for Code assessable applications. For applications requiring public advertising, Ken Ryan & Associates have regularly received approvals within 5 – 10 days of the completion of statutory advertising.
Greater certainty of approval outcomes and conditions – as a RiskSMART consultant, we are required to prepare draft conditions with the lodgement package and therefore know ahead of time what to expect.
Reduced Council application fee – RiskSMART applications receive a 20% discount on Council application fees.