Industry Update August 2016 – New Maximum Infrastructure Charges

To view this post in PDF format please follow this link: Industry Update August 2016 New Maximum Infrastructure Charges The State Government sets the maximum infrastructure charges that Local Governments can levy for new development.  Up until recently, the maximum charge for a new 3 bedroom residential dwelling has been $28,000. The Planning Minister recently decided [...]

2017-11-15T10:14:02+00:00 August 16th, 2016|Industry Update|

Industry Update October 2015 – Infrastructure Charges

To view this post in PDF format please follow this link: Industry Update_Infrastructure Charges LOOKING FOR WAYS TO REDUCE YOUR INFRASTRUCTURE CHARGES? Infrastructure charges can add significant costs to a development, however there are circumstances where you might be able to make savings.  Examples include: Obtaining credits for existing and previous uses on the land; [...]

2017-11-15T10:14:03+00:00 October 28th, 2015|Industry Update|