As this year draws toward a close and the new year unfolds, we can expect to see a number of Neighbourhood Plans continue to take form and progress which will guide future development and coordinate land use and infrastructure planning at a more detailed, fine-grained local level.
There are a number of new Neighbourhood Plans being prepared by Brisbane City Council which are in the early stages of development. Council is conducting initial community engagement to inform development of the draft strategies and to understand the key issues and opportunities within the plan areas.
These works provide for a convergence with Council’s broader policy direction and initiatives, including Brisbane’s Future Blueprint, and alignment with the recently announced Better Suburbs Initiative, which seeks to identify opportunities for urban renewal in areas outside of the inner-city circle.
Listed below are the timeframes and key features of the current projects for which draft strategies and plans will be prepared and publicly advertised over the coming year. Further information can be found on Brisbane City Council’s website by clicking here.
Status: Initial community engagement to 21 October; and Draft Neighbourhood Plan expected late 2020 – early 2021.
Features: Focusing on development potential within residential and rural areas, community facilities and services, enhancing biodiversity in Albany Creek and Cabbage Tree Creek catchments and future infrastructure including utilities.
Expected Adoption: Early 2022
Status: Background research and initial community engagement closed 16 September 2019; with Draft Strategy and further community feedback expected mid 2020.
Features: Focusing on development potential of industrial and residential areas to promote employment growth and liveability, capitalising on infrastructure investment, preserving residential areas, protecting the environmental values of Toohey Forest and local waterways, and improving pedestrian accessibility between land uses and hubs.
Expected Adoption: Early 2022
Status: Background research and strategy development completed mid-2019; and community feedback on Draft Strategy until 4 November 2019.
Features: Enhance Sandgate District Centre as the primary community and economic hub, provide housing choices for residents at all stages of life, enhance lifestyle and leisure opportunities on the Moreton Bay foreshore, protect environmental values, identify and protect neighbourhood character.
Expected Adoption: Late 2020
Status: Completed background research and strategy development June 2019; and community feedback on Draft Strategy to be undertaken late-2019.
Features: Confirm new residential development and employment opportunities, transform the EMP Gateway to a global manufacturing technology precinct, make optimal use of significant infrastructure, enhance biodiversity and environmental values including in the Bulimba Creek catchment, and enhance walkability between different land uses and public transport.
Expected Adoption: Mid-2021
For further information on the proposed neighbourhood plans and ways to provide feedback to Council, please view the current neighbourhood planning projects by following this link.
We recommend that anyone with property interests in these areas should take the opportunity to provide input at the earliest stages of plan development, as they may have significant impact on future development on a site-specific and suburb-wide basis in the future.
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