In 2016, Ken Ryan and Associates received Approval for a Development Application lodged to Brisbane City Council to carry out Building Work to a pre-1946 dwelling house on a small lot in the Traditional Building Character Overlay at 6 Mcnab Street, Paddington. An optimal outcome was achieved to make the dwelling both liveable and functional for a modern family whilst critically retaining the pre-war architectural features and ensuring that modern design elements would satisfy the applicable Planning Scheme provisions.
The site was subject to various constraints, including a sloping streetscape and site topography, location within a strong traditional character neighbourhood, and significant overlooking from houses at the side and rear in elevated positions. Prior to the Approval and subsequent renovations, the house was known to have severe termite damage which affected the extent of building work required.
The project has since been completed after the approved building work was carried out by Brogan Ryan Builders who restored the termite-ridden and dilapidated cottage to enhance the original character with new and modern elements, materials and design that is complementary of pre-war housing history. The project encapsulates the full development process, including the design, town planning and construction phases to achieve an outcome that reflects and integrates with a traditional streetscape that is consistent with the expectations of Council, residents and the wider community.
The building work comprised both accepted (no DA required) and assessable development aspects including restoring traditional features such as the original doors and windows and reinstating the previously enclosed front verandah. The subfloor of the dwelling was sealed to create a double garage with a built to boundary wall that was recessed behind the upper level setback to ensure car accommodation was a recessive building and streetscape element. The project team achieved the maximum potential building height by understanding and exploiting the variation in natural ground levels on site and ensured the design took advantage of the prominent streetscape slope.
The team at Ken Ryan & Associates worked closely with the designers and builders to manage alternative outcomes for setbacks, height and partial demolition to achieve compliance with the relevant Acceptable and Performance Outcomes of the City Plan 2014 Character Residential Zone Code, Dwelling House (Small Lot) Code and the Traditional Building Character Overlay Codes for design and demolition. Among other matters, we supported a built to boundary wall which maximised the building area within the limited available space of a small lot, whilst a minor variation to side boundary setbacks was desirable to achieve the open planned living area outcome and elevations to achieve fantastic city views from the upper level.
We are proud to be part of the team who helped achieve such an amazing outcome built on extensive experience in similar projects (see our website). We recommend obtaining town planning advice if you are considering making any alterations or undertaking renovations to a pre-war house, especially if your concepts are a little out of the ordinary. The City Plan 2014 is a constantly evolving planning document, and Council interpretation and policy similarly shifts over time. Often there are planning requirements and factors which trigger assessable development against the scheme. We can identify options to avoid town planning approvals, or make suggestions to ensure a code assessable development application which can optimise the built form and give the best opportunity for approval.
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