Brisbane City Council Citywide Amendments – Biodiversity

  In June 2016, Brisbane City Council (BCC) proposed it would be amending the Biodiversity provision of the City Plan 2014 intended to reflect changed biodiversity mapping and updated legislation, as well as previous community and industry feedback requiring amendments to overlay mapping. The proposed amendments refine mapping of the biodiversity areas overlay, align mapping [...]

2018-05-11T01:48:54+00:00 May 11th, 2018|Industry Update|

Changes to Brisbane City Council Dwelling House Code

  Brisbane City Council (BCC) has recently made changes to their Dwelling House Code and Dwelling House (Small Lot) Code regarding building height. These changes became effective on 1 December 2017 and are intended to clarify the circumstances in which BCC may approve houses over 9.5 metres or 2 Storeys in height. Since Brisbane City [...]

2018-03-02T04:24:26+00:00 March 2nd, 2018|Industry Update|

Brisbane City Council – City Plan Updates

Dwelling House (Small Lot) Code Interpretation Guidelines Brisbane City Council have recently published interpretation material for the Dwelling house (small lot) code. It seeks to deliver guidance on how development can provide car accommodation that does not visually dominate the appearance of a dwelling house when viewed from the street. The guidance material focuses on the [...]

2017-11-22T06:27:55+00:00 November 22nd, 2017|Industry Update|

Secondary Dwellings and Rooming Accommodation

Secondary dwellings (also known as granny flats) and Rooming accommodation, are becoming increasingly popular across Brisbane and other regions within south-east Queensland. We are often asked what is the difference between the two types of developments and when town planning approval is required. Read on if you would like to find out the answers. Secondary [...]

2017-11-15T10:14:01+00:00 August 14th, 2017|Industry Update|

Heritage Exemption Certificates

What are heritage exemption certificates? In Brisbane, development on land identified under the Heritage Overlay will generally trigger either a Code or Impact Assessable Development Application to Council, regardless of the scale of work involved. This can be a prolonged application process requiring statutory advertising and provides appeal rights for submitters. As an alternative, the [...]

2017-11-15T10:14:02+00:00 April 28th, 2017|Industry Update|

New Planning Act and DA Rules

New Planning Act and Development Assessment Rules to start on 3 July 2017 From 3 July 2017, the development assessment and approval process in Queensland will operate under new planning legislation. New Development Assessment Rules (DA Rules) have just been finalised that identify new procedures and timeframes for the lodgement and assessment of development applications [...]

2017-11-15T10:14:02+00:00 March 30th, 2017|Industry Update|

Queensland Building Plan

What is the Queensland Building Plan? The Department of Housing and Public Works is proposing a Queensland Building Plan which is currently out for comment until 31 March 2017. There are a wide range of proposals that are currently open for discussion that could affect your business operations, timing and choices. Key proposals for the [...]

2017-11-15T10:14:02+00:00 February 21st, 2017|Industry Update|

Changing Development Applications or Approvals

Do you need to change an existing development approval or extend buildings that were previously approved? Situations arise where changes to an existing development approval, including the design of a proposed development, or changes to development approval conditions are needed. Increasingly we are asked to now extend buildings, obtain approvals or make other changes to [...]

2017-11-15T10:14:02+00:00 November 21st, 2016|Industry Update|

Draft South-East Queensland Regional Plan

The South-East Queensland Regional Plan is under review The Queensland State Government is currently reviewing the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 (SEQ Regional Plan) in consideration to the region’s growing population. The SEQ Regional Plan currently allocates land in south-east Queensland as Regional Landscape and Rural Protection Area, Rural Living Area, and Urban Footprint.  [...]

2017-11-15T10:14:02+00:00 October 12th, 2016|Industry Update|
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